Save the World: The Sharing Economy in Practice

The twenty-first century is the time of the sharing economy. It has become a unique way to perceive personal services, transport, accommodation, media and entertainment industries. This course offers an introduction to the sharing economy and explores the benefits it delivers to us in practice.

Skills you gain

Describe in practice the benefits of sharing.

Practice your new skills on how to reuse home textiles, clothes, furniture and household items.

Start exploring your new skills by setting up a sharing point.

Enjoy your new creativity!




10 tuntia

Slaveya Hämäläinen

Save the World: The Sharing Economy in Practice

  • Everyone interested in the topic
  • English

Sharing economy impacts distinctively not only on economies and businesses but revolutionises the way we consume. Consumer faces a new innovative range of opportunities with the growth of sharing economy. Industries are challenged to provide an excellent consumer experience. The course triggers changes in consumer behaviour and focuses on the disruption of the customer experience. The emergence of the sharing economy dares the traditional way of doing business and creates a niche for new business models available for anyone. The aim is to provide tips for adopting a new role, that of the service provider. 

Achieving a certificate

The Micro Course is assessed on the scale Pass/Fail. Receiving a certificate via email requires completing all mandatory activities, and at least 50% of them correctly.

Does this Micro Course interest you? This is what to do!

  1. Click on the Add to Cart button.
  2. Pay for the Course according to the online store instructions.
  3. You’ll receive emails from Edufication. If buying for the first time, please follow the link in order to change your password.
  4. Go to your Edufication Learner Profile and proceed to the Claned learning platform, take the Course within 6 months and enjoy learning new.

About the instructor

Slaveya Hämäläinen

Slaveya Hämäläinen, MSc in English Philology and Cultural Anthropology, MBA in Economics and International Trade. Previously a Total Quality Manager at a paper mill. A devoted senior lecturer in English and Business in English with over 15 years of experience teaching students from various social and cultural backgrounds. Interested in studying and employing new technology and ideas into practice, work and life and aspiring to help people save the world for future generations.

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