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Etusivu - My Courses - Wellbeing through nature photography and animal-assisted work

Wellbeing through nature photography and animal-assisted work

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We live in a hectic world. We are surrounded by so much information and noise that affects our ability to concentrate. We’ll show you how to improve your concentration skills by going into nature, observing animals and taking photographs

What do you learn?

In this course, you learn how nature and animals can positive affect you. We’ll teach you how to concentrate on nearby things to feel the healing effects of nature and animals. You’ll get tools to empower you from working with nature and animals as well as to improve your wellbeing both in work and your free time.

You learn about the concepts of the eco-social approach, empowerment, and reflection.This course is one way to support relaxation and reflection skills as well as develop your eco-social thinking.

Who are your instructors?

Your instructors are very experienced teachers, Sari Miettinen and Kati Vapalahti. They have worked with different communities by supporting their empowerment and reflection skills. They have worked as lecturers on these themes for almost 20 years.

What’s in the course?

This course includes four parts. First we introduce the main concepts of this course. The second part focuses on nature photography. The third part focuses on interacting with animals and observing them. Finally, there is the conclusion which reflects on the major themes of the course.

Work your way through the all the course material in the order that it is displayed on the page. This way you will start with the basics and then move on to the more challenging topics. It should take you about 10 hours to complete this course.

How to pass?

To pass this course, you will need to complete all the course activities and get at least 75% of them correct. You will also need to give us some feedback at the end of the course.

Once all those parts are completed and we have received your feedback, we will check all everything is completed and prepare your certificate. Please be patient, as it might take us about a week to email your certificate to you.

Any questions?

We hope that you enjoy the course! If you have any questions about the course material, please do not hesitate to contact us at Edufication@xamk.fi. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.